October 29, 2009

Blog: TIPMedia.net has a new HQ!!

Guess what? TIPMedia.net has shift office again!

During the term holiday we had been using the level 3 of our school library as our office, one corner of level 3. It is peaceful and serene until school re-opens, of course the little corner is not fully occupied but the internet connection became a lot slower. Playing Mafia War on Facebook becomes 4 times slower than usual.

Library Level 3 (Office Number 1)

Thus when school term started, we shifted our office to that blue table in the underpass. Why? Because I have some CCA meetings and being at the underpass allows me to have my meetings and do TIP at the same time. The internet connection was a bit faster and I loved that table as there are 2 fans above it. However, at times it can be very noisy especially when lectures end and all the students excitedly exit the lecture hall.

Blue table at underpass (Office number 2)

Yesterday, we accidentally stumbled upon a very prestigious location where we know it would be a great place to locate our HQ. So that place became our headquarters, very quiet and their internet speed is way faster. YES, we are no longer using Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s internet, therefore we can play MMORPG if we want to.

The best thing about our headquarters is that, it has a swimming pool, gym and there are a few air-con food centers within reach. Well, when school term started, our school gym was packed full and we haven’t been able to work out much. Usage of the locker is 50cents per locker, so every visit to the gym costs us $1.

At our headquarters, Gym is never full, locker is free, so there you go - cost saving. I got so excited about moving to our headquarters yesterday that I couldn’t stop calling Illias and telling him, “We are moving to our new HQ tomorrow, wooooooooo!” By the way, it requires special privileges to gain access to this place; that’s why it is so peaceful in here.

Anyway, sorry about me BLAGGING (Bragging + Blogging) about our headquarters but I just want to share our excitement with YOU! So here are some pictures of our new ‘headquarters’.

New HQ
Sofa with Newspapers
Work desk

October 24, 2009

Episode 7: Very quick update!

This is a super short, updates we will compensate with more blog posts.

October 22, 2009

Blog: First use of Macbook

This is what I did, when I bought the Macbook Pro!

Video editing with iMovie is fairly simple. It's functionality is way better than Window Movie Maker, and I felt that it is a professional movie editing software made easy to use.

October 17, 2009

Episode 6: With a Different Angle

Tell ya homies!

October 15, 2009


2 nights ago we attended a talk by celeb-preneur Vernetta Lopez.

You may remember her from Under One Roof, and your daily morning radio dj on Class 95 next to Glenn Ong and The Flying Dutchman. She's done dramas and stage works, and currently owns Eternally Yours, a wedding planning biz.

AND IT WAS AWESOME! She's really bubbly, down-to-earth, and full of humility!

Self shots to compose ourselves before meeting Vernetta. Sad.

Her biggest mistake as an entrepreneur? "Not paying myself for the first 2 years."

Thanks to Boon and his "grab the opportunity!!" attitude, we gained enough cahonies to fight the crowd (more like slide our way through) to personally meet her!


AWESOMENESS! The creepy stalker on the extreme right was the emcee of the event

Don't really remember what we said to her, probably because we were too overwhelmed by her presence. I do account telling her she resembles a lot like Rachel from Friends, which she denies.

She sure is one of a kind. She's one local celebrity we're definitely proud of to be in our media waves!

Oh btw do support her charity organization @ ONE Singapore!

October 13, 2009

Episode 4 & 5: In a dose!

Till whenever!

October 10, 2009

Sharing: Week 2 How to use compare function

We would like to share with you on how to use the compare function that is available in Microsoft Office 2007. It’s simple to use and will be useful if you have multiple author.

October 6, 2009

IT Awareness: IT Survey in Singapore

As part of IT Awareness side project, here's a survey on how well people in Singapore know about IT and some of the opinions they had. I'll let the video speak for itself!

Give your comments and spread the word!!!

October 4, 2009

Loose Video: Week 2 Journey on getting Macbook

First problem encountered: we need a Macbook to program for iPhones, but we only have PC.

This is our loose video on what we did in week 2, trying to obtain Macbooks. We try to get money through scheme which apparently will take a few months to process. We tried getting loans from our parents and also try borrowing one from our school through temporary loan.

During the week we also made cookies in preparation for Hari Raya, with an ancient food blender. I guess that is what happens when techies cook.

I spilled batter all over Illias’s kitchen a few times, and I learn something and I’m going to share it with you.

“If you are cooking for the first time, cook at your friend’s house. So you dirty his kitchen not yours!”

October 2, 2009

Loose Video: Week 2 Blessing in disguise

Illias is sad over the lost of TIPMedia.com at first but now we are very happy with TIPMedia.net.

October 1, 2009

Loose Video: Week 1, ideas generation journey

This is our loose video on our journey during the first week of TIP.

We travelled around Singapore in hope to get innovative ideas by broadening our view. We got lost, we got drenched but that did not stop us from moving on. We flipped magazines after magazines, visited website after website, and came up with a whole bunch ideas.

Illias tried to boomerang a card, although there are many unsuccessful attempts but he kept on trying and trying, and finally he succeeded. During our 6 months TIP journey we will face unexpected situations but we will keep going until we get what we want.